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What Can I Pawn at a Pawn Shop? A Guide to Pawnable Items

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If you’re dealing with an emergency or unforeseen event and need cash in a hurry, a short-term collateral loan from a pawn shop can help.

Pawn loans provide a safety net to over 30 million unbanked or underbanked people across the country. The national average loan amount is $150 for about 30 days.

You can pawn almost anything of value at a pawn shop, but not all pawn shops will accept the same items as collateral for a loan.

In this article, we’ll look at what you can pawn at a pawn shop and what the most popular items are. We’ll also cover why pawn shops might not be interested or willing to accept certain items.

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The Most Popular Items to Pawn at a Pawn Shop

Research by Reader’s Digest has found that the following 10 items are the most popular across the United States.

#1. Electronics

electronics maxferd lawndale

Electronics is the most popular category. It includes items like televisions, smartphones, laptops, video game consoles, and digital cameras. The item must be recent and in good working order.

#2. Antiques and Collectibles

There will always be a strong demand for antiques and collectibles. The item should be in good condition considering its age.

Note that not all pawn shops have the space to store furniture. So before you load your antique dining room table on a truck, first phone the pawn shop to find out if they’re interested in it!

Some pawn shops might be willing to give you a rough idea of an item’s value based on photos. If the value isn’t what you have in mind, it’ll save you transporting a large and heavy item to the pawn shop.

#3. Tools

There is always a market for power tools from popular brands such as Bosch. If you want to pawn some tools make sure they’re working and in good condition.

#4. Designer Clothes and Handbags

Even in times of economic uncertainty, previously worn designer clothes and used handbags from top brands remain in demand.

Some pawn shops may be reluctant to accept these items as collateral for a loan depending on the demographics of their target market. If a collateral loan isn’t redeemed, they might feel they won’t be able to sell it timeously and for the right price.

Note: Pawn shops won’t accept replicas such as fake Louis Vuitton handbags. In addition, items should show no or hardly any signs of wear and tear.

#5 Jewelry

jewelry maxferd beverly hills

Jewelry is a big part of most pawn shops. It’s a popular item to pawn because it’s small and most people can live without it for a while. Most pawn shops have in-house experts who can evaluate jewelry and many offer jewelry repair services.

Many people don’t understand how pawn shops determine value. It’s always a good idea to familiarize yourself with the process before taking your jewelry in to be evaluated.

Note: Although pawn shops typically accept broken jewelry, they don’t accept fake gold or silver jewelry as it has no inherent value.

#6. Luxury Watches

luxury watches maxferd lawndale

Many pawn shops are not interested in watches unless they’re very valuable, authentic, and from a popular brand. Brands like Rolex, Omega, Cartier, Chanel, and Breitling are very popular.

Note: Although brands like Michael Kors may be popular, it’s not a luxury brand that has a high resale value.

# 7. Musical Instruments

musical instruments maxferd lawndale

Do you have some old musical instruments lying around such as a guitar, drums, flute, harp, or violin? Most pawn shops will accept them as collateral for a pawn shop loan. And if you don’t intend on using them again in the future, you might as well sell instead of pawn them.

#8. Guns

Guns are one of the least likely items that people will pawn and many pawn shops (including Maxferd) don’t accept guns. However, in states with large rural populations such as Alaska, guns are a popular item to sell or pawn.

#9. Vehicles

Pawn shops are an ideal place to get a short-term collateral loan on your car. However, many pawn shops do not have the space to safely store cars. It’s best to first phone around before taking your car to a pawn shop.

#10. Precious Metals or Stones

Precious metals and stones are the least popular items that people pawn across the United States. According to Reader’s Digest, less than 1% of items pawned fall into this category. However, these items are frequently pawned in several states such as Iowa, Nevada, and Minnesota.

What Can I Pawn for $50, $100, and $500?

Many people wonder what they can pawn to get $50, $100, or even $500.

The answer mainly depends on two factors, namely:

1. Your relationship with the pawnshop.

Pawn shops usually feel more comfortable lending higher amounts to regular customers that they have a good relationship with.

In addition, if they think you’re unlikely to redeem your loan, it increases their risk. What are the chances that you’ll redeem your loan on an item that has been lying in your garage for years? If it might take a long time to sell, the pawnshop may be reluctant to lend you a lot of money for it.

2. The market value and popularity of the item you wish to pawn.

Pawn shops consider a large variety of factors. For example, accepting a valuable item as collateral for a loan can be risky if there aren’t many buyers for it. And accepting popular items that are relatively inexpensive might also be risky if the market is flooded with them.

Most pawnshops will also look at their inventory, what similar items sold for in the past, and how long they took to sell.

What Can I Pawn for $50?

Typical items include:

  • Printer
  • Lawnmower
  • Leaf Blower
  • Guitar
  • Cellphone
  • Jewelry
  • Sporting goods
  • Workout equipment
  • Car seat for baby
  • Stroller
  • Cookware
  • Household appliances
  • Furniture & home decorations
  • Power tools
  • Camping gear

What Can I Pawn for $100?

Typical items include:

  • AC unit
  • Golf clubs
  • Jewelry
  • Flat-screen TV
  • Hoverboard
  • Tablet
  • Firearm
  • Refrigerator
  • Game consoles
  • Speakers
  • Mountain bike
  • Digital camera
  • Designer handbag
  • Collectible coins

What Can I Pawn for $500?

Typical items include:

  • Fine watches
  • Jewelry
  • Recognized art
  • Vehicle
  • Precious metals
  • Rare coins
  • Antiques
  • Certain collectibles
  • Motorcycle 
  • Trailer

What Items Does Maxferd Accept?

At Maxferd, we accept the following items:

  • Jewelry
  • Broken jewelry
  • Fine watches
  • Precious metals and coins
  • Loose diamonds and precious gemstones
  • High-end DSLR cameras and equipment
  • Apple products
  • Laptops and computers
  • Musical instruments
  • Certain collectibles
  • Luxury handbags
  • Art


You can pawn almost anything of value at a pawn shop, but not all pawn shops will accept the same items as collateral for a loan.

What you paid for an item is largely irrelevant. The market value of an item is what it can be sold for if a customer doesn’t redeem their collateral loan.

A pawn shop will also take into account how long it might take them to sell an item. This is based on the popularity of the item and the demand for it. And remember that pawn shops also need to make a profit.

The main advantage of pawning an item is that you can walk in with it and walk out with cash in your pocket. And you can pick it up as soon as you have redeemed your loan.

Whether you want to sell or pawn your valuables, Maxferd is the place to go.

Call us at (800) 888-7296 or visit one of our five locations in San Francisco and Los Angeles to find out how we can assist you.